Reasons to opt for WooCommerce

Reasons to opt for WooCommerce

With time Woocommerce has become increasingly popular among the e marketers. Woocommerce basically is a plugin, which is open source, specifically built to facilitate businesses or people looking to sell their goods/products or services online.

With the assistance of Woocommerce you can simply turn a WordPress site into an online store with numerous shopping features.

Few additional extensions from the WordPress community endow you with thorough flexibility & support, which takes your online e commerce site to an entirely new level.

Meaning of WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a plugin in reference to ecommerce for WordPress. The plugin makes managing and creating an online store easy with practical levels of flexibility & numerous crucial features like tax management, inventory, shipping integration and secure payments.

WooCommerce is one of the most popular and arguably prudent eCommerce plugins. Its integration enables one to include both eCommerce ability and SEO value.

Here are some of the reasons for opting for WooCommerce

User friendly and straightforward

WordPress is highly known for its user friendly nature. Similarly, WooCommerce has been built in a manner that individuals can easily work with. Both the systems are simple and easy to download.

As the learning period concerning such platforms is shorter, it is completely for the beginners.

With just meagre technical knowledge, one can work wonderfully with WooCommerce. But yes, the outcome would have been better with the assistance of an expert.


Woocommerce is completely free. Beside the domain registration and mail hostling, the plugin does not charge any monthly amount. Additionally, one can expand the plugin as per their liking with both the paid and free versions.

For those requiring to create a simple webshop, basic functionalities of the plugin would suffice. For those looking for advanced webshop, the option to expand the plugin is available.

While there are various free plugins, they are not always the best. Thus, ensure to review the possibilities of particular plugins along with their alternatives.

There are times it is better to pay for a plugin for those wanting advanced set up.

It is WordPress

Woocommerce has originated from the WordPress plugin. WordPress is massively renowned owing to their functionality and flexibility.

Various organizations opt for WordPress as it caters the best base for their website. It is secure, fast and simple to use.

The plugin, WooCommerce has inherited all those reliability and strength of WordPress and utilizes it to structure a world class experience on eCommerce grounds for retailers as well as their customers.

Lightning speed

WordPress is a system, which is open source that means every developer simply can apply customised work. Note, custom developments are generally applied via Plugin as in this manner one will not have to face source code.

WooCommerce plugin includes extra advanced functions to webshop beyond their basic functionalities. Benefits of such a plugin is you just have to download & install it. Thus, little or merely zero technical understanding or knowledge is needed.

Vibrant Developer Community

Both WordPress and WooCommerce are open source. This means the retailers are free to add core features or change any feature, create custom themes or build new extensions.

For few less renowned eCommerce apps, it is tough to figure out developers with potential of doing so and if you are able to find a developer, he/she may be costly enough to hire.

WooCommerce retails gets an advantage from a huge pool of developers & WooCommerce experts.

In case, you require to make any changes to the WooCommerce store, you will not struggle hard to find a professional good in this.

Involves Powerful Analytics

Better you know your customers and their communication route they take to interact with your products and store, the better it is.

WooCommerce provides you with a substantial set of analytics that are displayed in a clear & intuitive interface.

Moreover, it is straightforward and simple to integrate the WooCommerce with the external analytics services such as Google Analytics with their extensions.

Grows With Business

When selecting the eCommerce app, it is a great idea to think in regard to the organization’s future.

It may be small and tiny now, but with time it will evolve and you must select an app that has the potential of supporting the busy store without the imposition of complexities.

WooCommerce helps support stores that range anywhere between tiny and immense. It can easily scale from some products to various thousands & from handful of online shoppers per day to hundreds of online shoppers each second.

Well suited for SEO or Search Engine Optimization

It is crucial for webshop to attain excellent outcomes. But to attain an outcome, you should have visitors. Here is where SEO comes in handy.

SEO summaries the required work and ensures that your webshop is found easily on online search engines. SEO, on the other hand, concentrates on enhancing the search terms where the webshop is found.

Businesses can also concentrate on ameliorating their position in relevant search engines.

WooCommerce is designed to meet basic needs for attaining a good position on the search engines. For instance, an alt text with the images, use of categories and simple adaptation of URL structure.

Various paid & free plugins available

It is very much possible that the plugin you are looking for does not exist. In such cases you will have to build the plugin. However, this would be only possible if you have knowledge about the structure of WooCommerce.

Get a good party who specializes in the WooCommerce for getting your custom plugin build that completely meets your requirements.


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